I may not have the best blog in this whole wide world but to taell you honestly, I gained so much from this blog. Well, who would have thought of earning enough money to sustain your daily allowances online from this third world country?
A few of us Filipinos dare to take the online challenge of blogging and other means of getting an income through online. The most popular I could say about this internet marketing is through blogging. But, advertisers do not just pick blogs randomly. They pick blogs with quality and interesting posts. Most specially, advertisers pick blogs that have authoritative statistics online.
Therefore, new-comer in this whole blog thingy may find this industry quite hard and needs patience. To tell you the truth, like any other job in this whole wide world, you really need to take an extra effort to get into the top. Blogging is not an excemption. You need to be patient and invest on your blog. Drive for more traffic and strive to make posts that are interesting to your readers.
I have written this before and suggested that you can try submitting your blogs to various free web directory such as of DMOZ or of Yahoo!. The very least to do is to submit yours to these sites. Why? Because as I say, they could help you get more traffic. And traffic means money. Traffic means more advertisers.
You have to gain the trust of your advertisers. There are some directory sites that are not really good for your blog so you have to be careful in submitting yours to those that are tagged as SEO friendly web directory. For instance, if your blog is pertaining to education, you wouldn’t want visitors coming from the opposite industry such as of sex/drugs/smokers to come on your niche and leave comments that are so different from your site’s mission. To reach your target audience, check out Victorious.
I have said all the tips for you. Personal bloggers are said to be effective in this way as starters in the industry because they have the heart in writing. So, as an additional tip, put your heart into writing. Readers love articles with substance!
Fjordan Allego
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By Fjordan Allego

Fjordan Allego aka Fjordz is an IT security practitioner in the Philippines. He maintains a couple of blogs where he shares his views on various topics that he finds interesting. A self-confessed introvert who's mostly active in social media, Fjordz also loves to travel and explore the wonders of the world.

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