Website of the multi-level marketing firm, Frontrow, has just been defaced by a hacker who goes by the name of Spade and is associated with the hacking groups PureHackers and BloodSecurity International.
Based on what Spade posted on the defaced page, it seemed like he wanted to challenge the security of the company’s official website as he left a message saying “Got Security?”
The defaced page was also set up to eventually redirect it to a porn page. Its meta refresh tag shows a parameter that would automatically redirect visitors to Beeg, a known porn site.
Aside from Frontrow, Spade also managed to do the same web defacement to three more websites.
We have yet to confirm the extent of this security incident. The main page has a member’s login portal. If compromised, Frontrow’s thousands of members are in danger of data privacy breach. The company may face the National Privacy Commission to report the details of the security breach.
Spade described himself as a ‘security researcher’ but his acts often fall under blackhats for which our government tagged him a ‘hacker’.
His groups, PureHackers and BloodSecurity International, are known hacking groups that generously share information about various hacking tools on their social media accounts.
Frontrow has yet to release a statement about the recent hack. Hopefully, their web administrator and IT security personnel are already aware of the security breach and are already working on it as the defaced page is still up as of this writing.
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[…] currently affiliated with PureHackers, the same hacking group who compromised Frontrow yesterday. Based on his profile in cybercrime archive Zone-H, he has long records of compromised […]